Welcome to the  first directory for LGBTQI+ Creatives🌈

Our mission is to be the first online database where companies can find LGBTQI+ talents from all creative fields to hire. This will help companies avoid stepping into Rainbow Washing and be more inclusive in their workplaces.

This platform was created by Queer Creatives for Queer Creatives.

I’m looking for LGBTQI+ talent 👀


I am an LGBTQI+ Talent 💅



Since 2022

Rainbow washing, as defined by Urban Dictionary, is: “The act of using or adding rainbow colors and/or imagery to advertising, apparel, accessories, landmarks… in order to indicate progressive support for LGBTQ equality but with a minimum of effort or pragmatic result.”

During June, companies that engage in rainbow washing will transform into colourful hubs, with bright, rainbow versions of their logo on social media without paying (or underpaying) the queer talent involved. This database exists because we exist. Ready to be hired by a corporation is genuinely supportive of the LGBTQI+. Hopefully we will see less rainbow-washing campaign coming out next year and many years to come.

We are Hila and Seine, wishing you lots of love. 

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© 2022 Created by Queer Women.